I watched these classics during the 1990s and the 2000s whilst I was growing up and attending Cantonese weekend classes in England.
(Wix stock image)
1. 創世紀 At the Threshold of an Era (商戰 Business Drama)
Year: 1999 No. of Episodes: 107
Cast: 羅嘉良、陳錦鴻 、郭晉安 、劉愷威 、秦沛、郭鋒、汪明荃、馬德鐘、蔡少芬
2. 妙手仁心 Healing Hands (醫務 Medical Drama)
Year: 1999 No. of Episodes: 32
Cast: 吳啟華、林保怡、 蔡少芬、陳慧珊、張家輝、 蘇永康、 馬浚偉
3. 倚天屠龍記 The Heavenly Sword and Dragon Saber (古裝武俠 Wuxia)
Year: 2000 No. of Episodes: 42
Cast: 吳啟華、黎姿、佘詩曼、劉松仁、米雪
4. 尋秦記 A Step Into The Past (古裝科幻穿越 Historical, Wuxia, Sci-fi)
Year: 2001 No. of Episodes: 40
Cast: 古天樂、江華、林峯、宣萱
5. 衝上雲霄 Triumph in the Skies (航空 Aviation Drama)
Year: 2003 No. of Episodes: 40
Cast: 吳鎮宇、陳慧珊、馬德鐘、胡杏兒、葉璇、吳卓羲、陳鍵鋒、黃宗澤
6. 法證先鋒 Forensic Heroes (懸疑查案 Police Procedural)
Year: 2005 No. of Episodes: 25
Cast: 歐陽震華、林文龍、蒙嘉慧、鍾嘉欣